Introduction to Blender for absolute beginners
On the first day we will discuss the absolute basics of Blender, and work our way around the interface, getting comfortable with the interface, creating basic objects, transformation tools, what is 3d cursor, origin, local and global axis, snapping options, etc. and make a very simple scene with just the basic primitives so that you get used to initial important commands and develop some muscle memory with Blender.
On the second day we will learn how to edit mesh objects, selection methods and we will create a few very basic objects and try to understand how to bring out different shapes in object editing mode.
This chapter will be about modifiers, What are modifiers and vertex weights, and their use and discuss different use case scenarios. We will also create a few objects in combination with multiple modifiers.
In this lesson we will discuss materials. How do basic materials work and the meaning of terms used in shaders, how to mix shaders, set up basic PBR shader, textures etc. We will also utilise UV to shade all the models we created in modifier chapters.